Friday, January 25, 2008

"Toilet literature": what lies underneath human mind

Since Peter said that "Blog on something you have read this week," I include the "literature" in toilet in my reading list and I'll review it today. I've seen this kind of literature (yes, I think it's literature) for nearly all of my life. In my point of view, toilet literature reflects people's thought, feeling or attitude, which may be hard to reveal in public, and their changes over time.

When I was student around grade 8, I remembered that the school's toilets were full of "literature," and most of them are out of sexual desire of students. Many literature were fabricated about the sexual fantasy in details: "who" was that "sick" female teachers, "when" and where did the story took place (ussually the setting was some rooms within school) and "how" the story went. However, what surprised me was that, many of that "victims" female teachers were unattractive and quite old, at least in my thought. Therefore, it may be not true that women are raped because they are "too beautiful," Rigth?

I've also known something I never knew before from toilet literature. From grade 7 -12 I studied in boy school and I have no sister so that I didn't know about girl very much. But, once I came along with my mom to girl school and I'd got to use its toilet. I found that the toilet literauture in girl shcool were even much more than in boy school, in term of both quantity and aggressiveness. A lot of messages (In that time mobile phone was very expensive and unpopular) are about "make an appointment" to slap each other for a "handsome" tomboy, or two tomboys fought for a cute girl. Also, the impolite language was even worse than in boy school. From then, I quite cast doubt on the idea of "well-manner Thai ladies" or "Female is less aggressive than male."

Why these kinds of things I said look a little bit unexpected and unusual? I set my own hypothesis that because the toilet literature reflect what is underneath poeple's mind but it's offensive to be exposed in public. It look like that, to reduce your tension, when you release physical garbage out of your belly in toilet, you also release "mental garbage." The difference is that the first can be disposed by water but the latter still remains on the wall.

Toilet literature also reflects the change in people attitude. Nowadays, I read many toilet literature which have something to do with homosexual. In this week, I saw some moblies phone numbers intended to invite other men to have sex with on the toilet wall in AUA. I also saw this kind of message in the toilets of the other places. I'm sure that I've never seen before about two or three years ago. Therefore, that may reflect the authentic change in sexual orientation in Thai society. As for political change, in AUA toilet (again), I saw a lot of message about controvery between pro-Thaksin and anti-Thaksin this week, and that's very new phenonena for literature toilet; I've never seen political message in toilet until about last year. According to those, I can conlude that, due to Thaksin, Thai people concern more about political issue and, since the numbers of Pro-Thaksin and Anti-Thaksin is half-half, the poll resulf which claim something like that may be true.


At 7:02 PM, Blogger HIRO@AEP said...

Hi. Natt.
That's quite funny. You analized very seriouslly. I like your ideas. In Japan, there are a lot of toilet literature same to Thailand, Some times, toilet art or something also. I saw in my univ. two (I guess) students wrote one story by turns. It was series novel...That was strange. Oneday, I went into the toilet, I saw a message in fron of me "look upper!!" and I folloewed and found next one "look your back" I followed again, "look at back side of seat" ...ummm OK..."look at in the toilet tank"... Ahh...OK, OK whatever...and I found the final message "What are you doing?" I was discauraged alone...

At 9:53 AM, Blogger nattyprofessor said...

I think I sort of know about your story - it has nearly exact plot - and you'll fine that you're fooled!!!


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