Smoking Ban
Here is my paragrahp writting. Let's check it out!!!!!!!Some people, the smokers, may be frustrated by any government’s tobacco controls, however, I am not one of them. I completely agree that the tobacco tax should be imposed on cigarette producers. Those who make a room untidy must clean it for the room’s owner and smokers ought to do likewise. Smokers who smoke in public areas, especially in schools or hospitals, cause several negative effects on innocent victims nearby, for example, harming their health condition. Though governments in democratic societies cannot totally ban smoking due to the value of human rights, an increase in the tobacco tax would be beneficial and effective without any compulsion. The increase in the tobacco tax would lead to an increase in cigarette prices and, eventually, make smokers smoke less. Gregory N. Mankiw, an Economics professor at Harvard University, cited the impact of a change in cigarette price on smoker’s behavior in his famous textbook, Basic principles of Economics, that the cigarette quantity demanded decreases by 4 percent when its price increases by 10 percent. To prevent people from being spoiled by the devil nicotine, the government should not spare the rod by keeping the tobacco tax low.
I think it is a really good idea to post your paragraph. It allows us all to share and comment on your ideas.
For similar but different reasons to his, I'm more inclined to agree with Jae Young's view, which is pretty much the opposite to the one you argue for. I hope he posts his answer to this question as well, so we can all compare your ideas.
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