Friday, January 25, 2008

"Toilet literature": what lies underneath human mind

Since Peter said that "Blog on something you have read this week," I include the "literature" in toilet in my reading list and I'll review it today. I've seen this kind of literature (yes, I think it's literature) for nearly all of my life. In my point of view, toilet literature reflects people's thought, feeling or attitude, which may be hard to reveal in public, and their changes over time.

When I was student around grade 8, I remembered that the school's toilets were full of "literature," and most of them are out of sexual desire of students. Many literature were fabricated about the sexual fantasy in details: "who" was that "sick" female teachers, "when" and where did the story took place (ussually the setting was some rooms within school) and "how" the story went. However, what surprised me was that, many of that "victims" female teachers were unattractive and quite old, at least in my thought. Therefore, it may be not true that women are raped because they are "too beautiful," Rigth?

I've also known something I never knew before from toilet literature. From grade 7 -12 I studied in boy school and I have no sister so that I didn't know about girl very much. But, once I came along with my mom to girl school and I'd got to use its toilet. I found that the toilet literauture in girl shcool were even much more than in boy school, in term of both quantity and aggressiveness. A lot of messages (In that time mobile phone was very expensive and unpopular) are about "make an appointment" to slap each other for a "handsome" tomboy, or two tomboys fought for a cute girl. Also, the impolite language was even worse than in boy school. From then, I quite cast doubt on the idea of "well-manner Thai ladies" or "Female is less aggressive than male."

Why these kinds of things I said look a little bit unexpected and unusual? I set my own hypothesis that because the toilet literature reflect what is underneath poeple's mind but it's offensive to be exposed in public. It look like that, to reduce your tension, when you release physical garbage out of your belly in toilet, you also release "mental garbage." The difference is that the first can be disposed by water but the latter still remains on the wall.

Toilet literature also reflects the change in people attitude. Nowadays, I read many toilet literature which have something to do with homosexual. In this week, I saw some moblies phone numbers intended to invite other men to have sex with on the toilet wall in AUA. I also saw this kind of message in the toilets of the other places. I'm sure that I've never seen before about two or three years ago. Therefore, that may reflect the authentic change in sexual orientation in Thai society. As for political change, in AUA toilet (again), I saw a lot of message about controvery between pro-Thaksin and anti-Thaksin this week, and that's very new phenonena for literature toilet; I've never seen political message in toilet until about last year. According to those, I can conlude that, due to Thaksin, Thai people concern more about political issue and, since the numbers of Pro-Thaksin and Anti-Thaksin is half-half, the poll resulf which claim something like that may be true.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Why magic and religion contribute to progression of humankind?

Many poeple may think that magic and religion have nothing to do with progression, technological or economic, however, both of them have play a major role in contributing it. During the medieval, a lot of alchemist tried to transmutate common metal into gold (called chrysopoeia). Though it's now clear that transformation from one element to another without fission or fusion reaction is impossible, the alchemist's discipline, alchemy, was the origin of many disciplines nowadays, espectially chemistry.

Although the catholic church obstructed knowledge accumulation during medieval, the christianity revolution in 16th century is the first chapter of rapid economic growth after the incoming of protestanism. the protestant ethic made the believer work hard. Enabling christians to read the Bible themselves, it seemed to protestant paradigm open the window of knowledge for (used-to-be) ignorance people. In concluding, protestanism contributed economic growth due to not only making the believes work hard, but also triggering technological progression.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

From human moral to dog bite!!!!!!!!!

7This week I "must" read a lot, and I don't admire it. In mondays and Tuesday, I must review 7 (yes, you don't misunderstand, s-e-v-e-n) articles in academic journals about "retail." But perhaps God still want me to continue my life on this planet earth, so that I have the "rights" to choose them articles myself. Of course, I choose which are easiest and shortest!!! Ha Ha Ha. I did and struggled with them in SLC. Threfore, since he use the computer next to mine, Tung can be a testimony for this case. And eventually I finished it. Bravooooooo

The other English (In fact, it's from Korean Newspapers.) article I read this week is about human moral, the outside reading of Listening and Speaking Class. The writer, Peter singer (striking name? :-P) refutes the conventional idea which state that human moral is from culture and learning. On the other hand, he claim that

1) Human have emotional reaction toward "personal" violent rather "impersonal" violent.
2) There is no significant different reaction among different cultures.

Then Singer (sounds like appliance?) concluded that human moral is from genes, not culture, and explained that human develop the emotion toward personal violent since human lived in group. To prevent in-group attack, this kind of emotion reaction is necessity for survival. Oppositely, for impersonal violent, it was very new kind of violent so that human haven't develop the emotion reaction toward it yet.

I cast doubt on this "hypothesis." If this evolutionary statement were true, it would conflict with the ohther existing principle, adaptation. Different group of human live in totally different environment, so why don't they "adapt" to each environment in which they live (If adaptation principle is true). In my very own opinion, I believe (I never do experiment on them like the scientist) that human moral is kind of "programmed." In fact, the second conclusion of Peter Singer strongly support my idea. Because of it's programmed, the idea of moral isn't so much different among different culture. Sound reasonable?

Let me talk about dog bite! In Thursdays night I was bitten by my dog at my home. I have three dogs and two of them are quite big (1 Thai and 1 Boxer). 14-year-old Thai was bitten by 11-year-old Boxer and I tried to pour oil on the trouble water. Consequently, My lower right arm was bitten by Thai dog. It wasn't so much hurt but there were some cut on my arm. After I washed my arm, I don't wanna see doctor since it's expensive but my mon and brother want to. Finally, I saw the doctor in the nearest hospital (I walked to the hospital) and it cost me nearly 2000 Baht. They make the next appointment in Sunday to check up and inject another vaccine but I think I won't go since my dog aren't mad, I sure. But the worse news is that, after being measured, my blood pressure is very high (180/110). Actually, I've known for several years ago. So I think that there is a hidden good thing in this situation since now I've already control the quantity of my diet and cut every thing fatty, sweety and salty (I love them all T_T)

Thursday, January 17, 2008

From the sign of some animals in Bible to Thai traditional House

You may be confused that why these two differnet topics are related. And my answer is "Not at al, except they both are my homework!!!!!!"

According to Quest, doves refer to peace. But, according to the bible, doves refer to "innocent" person, as the bible siad "Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves" (Matthew 10:16). In addition, in Matthew 5:16, Doves also refer to "the Holy Spirit". I am not sure about this, but I sort of know that some western guys refer to Doves as "stupid".

I think most of men don't like snake. Snake, which is called "serpent" in Genesis 3:1, is symbolized to be "the chief devil." But in Matthew 10:16, snake refer to "shrewd" person.

The bible kept saying about sheep. sheeps are symbolized to be "human," which the Lord calls them -son-. Sheeps share many characteristics with the man in the view of Christianity. Sheep are short-sigthed and have short legs and puffy hairs; all of these make them fail to live by themselves without shepherds. However, sheep are good follower and obey their sheperds. Therefore, sheep are intended to visualize the concept that human are "sinners" and need the "savior" to be saved and follow. Paradoxically, I know a pastor who went to Norway and he found that he couldn't use the word "sheep" in prearching since, for the scandinavian, sheeps mean "the stupid." He said that it's exactly the same as when Thai people call someone "BUFFALO"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Without any connection to the previous paragraph, I'll talk about Thai traditional house. Because of terribly hot weather, Thai traditional Houses are open-air. their roofs are very high relative to western style to decrease the temperature in their room. the first floor of the house must be lifted up from the ground level at least 2 meters due to flood in rainy season. Unfortunately, the present environment in big cities like Bangkok doesn't support such that style at all. therefore, we can hardly find Thai traditonal house in Bangkok.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Incredibly funny poem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've got them from a forwarded E-mail. Kick me if you find that it's not fun at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Roses are red, Violets are blue
Monkeys like u should be kept in zoo
Don't feel so angry you will find me there too
Not in cage but laughing at you

Twinkle Twinkle little star
You should know what you are
And once you know what you are
Mental hospital is not so far

The rain makes all things beautiful
The grass and flowers too
If rain makes all things beautiful
Why doesn't it rain on you

I wrote your name on sand it got washed
I wrote your name in air,it was blown away
then I wrote your name on my heart
i got Heart Attack straight away

God saw me hungry, HE created pizza
HE saw me thirsty, HE created Pepsi
HE saw me in dark, HE created light
HE saw me without problems, HE created YOU

When ur life is in darkness pray to God
ask him to free u from darkness
and if after you pray, and you're still in darkness
please pay your ELECTRICITY BILL!


What lies beneath the number?

Lucky or unlucky numbers are seemed to be different for different invidual or different culture (Infact, in this article, I prefer to use the term "good" or "bad" numbers instead). Moreover, in my opinion, there may be the underlying meaning of the number in Bible. Let me show the story.

3 - "Unity" --> Trinity
7 - "completeness" --> The universe was created completely in 7 days
12 - "Authority" --> The number twelve ussually has something to do with governing: the 12 clans of Israel, the 12 disciples of Jesus.
40 - "Growth" "Development" "Maturity" Many men of God are changed within 40 days
  • Moses went up on Sinai Mt. for 40 days
  • Jesus fasted for 40 days before starting the mission
  • etc.

666 - "Satan" - Accordingt to Revelation 13:17-18

It's so paradoxical that the number "13," in which many people misbelieved, is never cited in the Holy Bible!!!!!!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Smoking Ban

Here is my paragrahp writting. Let's check it out!!!!!!!

Some people, the smokers, may be frustrated by any government’s tobacco controls, however, I am not one of them. I completely agree that the tobacco tax should be imposed on cigarette producers. Those who make a room untidy must clean it for the room’s owner and smokers ought to do likewise. Smokers who smoke in public areas, especially in schools or hospitals, cause several negative effects on innocent victims nearby, for example, harming their health condition. Though governments in democratic societies cannot totally ban smoking due to the value of human rights, an increase in the tobacco tax would be beneficial and effective without any compulsion. The increase in the tobacco tax would lead to an increase in cigarette prices and, eventually, make smokers smoke less. Gregory N. Mankiw, an Economics professor at Harvard University, cited the impact of a change in cigarette price on smoker’s behavior in his famous textbook, Basic principles of Economics, that the cigarette quantity demanded decreases by 4 percent when its price increases by 10 percent. To prevent people from being spoiled by the devil nicotine, the government should not spare the rod by keeping the tobacco tax low.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

HI Peter and my AEP#5 peer

I am natt Hongdilokkul and please call me "Natt". You can post a comment if you wanna know more about me. Today I'd love to tell something about my outside reading named "The Dead of Jerihco"

At the first sight, my eyes are attracted by the word "Jericho" since it's the name of ancient city near Jordan river in Bible, however, the term "Jericho" is just the name of an district in Oxford and has nothing to do with biblical content. The Dead of Jericho is kind of detective novel. The story begin when the main character, Chief Inspector Morse, who can't say "no" to beer, women and Mozart, started the investigation by joining Mrs. Murdoch's Party and then found the gorgeous but mysterious woman, Anne. The first chapter ended with calling from his subordinate, Sergeant Lewis, to rush to the crime place, which the first death of Jericho had taken place.